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Humans are by far the most populous group in The Telacian Empire. They live short lives but these are filled with a passion and potency that is envied by all but the small folk. They see themselves as free from the fates that imprison the other races: the dwarves they feel, are expected to be miners; the orcs are slaves to their impulses; the elves are bound to the arcane; the tiefling are imprisoned by their suspicions and lies. Humans believe that they are the only race with any real free will.


Although humans have no inherent magic, they can study the arcane in order to become powerful wizards, warlocks and clerics.


For the most part, humans have built the empire, whether in the armies that fought to keep the boarders safe, or more literally as part of the construction crews labouring on the many buildings that made Nexus one of the wonders of the free world. It is perhaps due to their short lives that they seek glory in battle or stone memorials.


Those that do not labour, achieve immortality through the longevity of their family. As wealthy landowners and traders, some have had the honour of being sought for marriage by the high elves. The humans see this as a great honour, and a mark of a well-made man; the elves look to the political and social advancement in these unions.

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