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1. Do I need to know anything about DnD to play here?

No. Although you probably know more than you realise. Most of the dice HUDs that are used in SL are based around  the DnD actions and spells, and if you have played in fantasy sims before you already know 90% of the races. We chose this platform, not only because we love it but because it is so universal. 


2. Are you going to run DnD games for us?

No. But you are welcome to run your own. 


3. Why don't you have a HUD? I'll make you a HUD. You could use this HUD?

Thankyou but no. We are quite happy being back to basics freeform RP using the Beyond DnD page for small group quests or events. 


4. Why don't you have factions?

We have found, in the various sims that we have been on, that factions are in fact more divisive than anything else on a sim. Whether its Faction A fighting Faction B, or inhouse  fighting about roles, factions just seem to cause trouble and offer nothing that can't be done through player run groups. 


5. What's the difference between a player run group  and a faction?

Management. As soon as you attach a sense of importance to a role outside of that created by the group itself, we have found that people either want to knife one another in the back to get that role, or they abuse that power. It's just not worth it. When a player group is formed it has nothing to do with management. Yes, you are effectively storytellers, but hopefully we all will be. 


6. Can I be a...?

Yes. It doesn't matter if its not in the DnD universe. You can be whatever you want to be, we just ask that you construct your character with the lore and medieval fantasy nature of the sim in mind. 


7. Can I bring my own lore?

As long as it doesn't conflict with anything we have going on here, that is fine. An example of this is Drow. We have no Drow in our lore but we are not going to ban you if you say you worship Lloth, we will just consider you a fanatic of a strange and marginalised religion. If that is a problem for you, then its best you find a different sim.


8. What's your problem with Drow?

We just don't like them. And because we own the sim, we get to be as biased as we want. This lore is the lore of many years of DnD games. Drow just aren't a part of that.


9. I don't have a rental but I want to use a property on the sim. Can I?

Of course. Aside from rentals there are two houses on the sim used by the owners. One is a hobbit house in Taurhrava, one is a dwarf house in Kher Ravn. Everything else, that is not privately rented is available for use by all players. There may come a time when the owners ask if you could vacate a premise so that they can run a story there (timezones are particularly complex in our group) but otherwise it is first come, first served. We will however ask you to move on if your group congregates in say, the Tavern, and tries to use it exclusively. Public buildings are public. Not for groups. If you want a Player Group House, rent one. We strongly encourage group rentals. 


10. Can my group ICly trash "Example Public Building"?

Sure but please check with the owners that your trashing of this building fits with the larger stories being told on sim. We may ask you to hold off for a while, but we are happy for you to take the initiative with storytelling. 


11. I have another question and you haven't answered it here. 

Please post your question on discord and we will get to them as soon as possible. Just be aware that we have a small team and so things will not happen instantly. 


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