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This is a broad category of races that are not included in the Player's Handbook Standard Edition. You are however welcome to play a Fae, and in fact there are a number  of Fae NPCs that are critical to some of the stories being told. If you have a DnD and Beyond account and have access to The Monster Manual you will find the details needed to create your Fae character, but this is only necessary if you intend to  roll as this character in a DnD game. The only thing necessary for good RP is good writing. 

The only thing we ask is that you make sure that your character is the same power level as the rest of the characters on the sim. This is why we shy away from characters types like dragons as they are too powerful. Also, the lore of the world has been created with the species listed here. If you want to play another DnD race that's fine, but the lore won't exist for that creature. 

Fae Gallery

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